Political Science - full-time 1 st degree
Graduate Characteristics
The curriculum enables the graduates to read the changes occurring in the contemporary world, evaluate modernization concepts and independently position themselves within a specific social, political and economic space. The knowledge and skills acquired enable the graduates to develop their own methods of evaluating and analyzing processes that affect social reality. The knowledge of political science makes it easier for the students to understand the role of a human being as a subject who constitutes social and political structures. The historiosophical context, expanded by broadening the knowledge of recent political history, history of political thought, evolution of political doctrines enable students to more fully articulate the implications of contemporary political practice.
Political science graduates should have knowledge in the field of political sciences, know the role of a human being as a subject constituting social and political structures, possess an extensive knowledge of the latest political history (including Polish history), political thought, know political doctrines and their implications in political practice. Moreover, graduate has the knowledge of state and law theory, organization and management, political systems, public administration, local politics (in Poland and other countries). They are familiar with political aspects of economics, social and economic policies of the state. They have a thorough knowledge of such issues of contemporary political science as international political relations, European integration, national and international security. They also know the specificity of research methods and techniques used in political science and theories of political communication and marketing.
Political science graduates also possess a wide range of skills: understanding of the essence and conceptual categories of knowledge in the field of social sciences, analysis of social and political reality, research skills in forecasting social, political, cultural, legal, economic and economic processes and phenomena, interpretation of the functioning of contemporary political structures. They can use theoretical knowledge and acquire data to analyze political reality and solve dilemmas arising in professional work. Political science graduates are able to identify problems, pose questions and search for answers on their own, they have their own standpoint on important social and political issues. They demonstrate commitment to local politics and are able to participate in the activities of its subjects within specific social, political, economic and civil projects. Graduates are able to plan and direct a team effort while adhering to ethical principles and effective communication, accepting responsibility for the effects of their own and the group's actions.
- Political science students can obtain knowledge and qualifications comparable to those provided by the best universities in the country.
- Political science students are introduced to the basic knowledge of contemporary international relations, political and party systems, local government and communities, political marketing, history, economics, finance, but also sociology, social psychology and management,in the course of study they receive theoretical and practical preparation which to a large extent enables them to make a start in a political or journalistic career,
- The introduction of the ECTS credit points enables students of political science to broaden their knowledge in other fields of study. This system also gives the opportunity to study at European universities and go on scholarships abroad, the possibility of taking up studies in other centers in Poland and continuing education on post-graduate studies,
- Students have at their disposal: library, political science reading room, computer laboratory, lecture rooms equipped with multimedia devices.
A political science graduate is a well-educated humanist, erudite person who, thanks to interdisciplinary studies, possesses knowledge in many different fields and has extensive opportunities to use it on the job market - local, national and global. Interdisciplinary knowledge and personal and social skills and competences acquired in the course of study enable the graduates to undertake any professional tasks: in state, local government and business administration, as diplomatic staff, marketing staff in international and domestic companies, in the media and public relations agencies, in social and political organizations on a local and national level, political consultants in political parties, political image creators, specialists in building political campaigns, marketing and advertising staff in local commercial companies, organizers and coordinators of volunteer work in organizations and institutions dealing with social welfare benefits, advisors and specialists in social policy implementation, academics and experts in specific policy fields.
Graduates of political science are becoming valued representatives of the now extremely popular field of knowledge. They can find employment, among other things:
- in state and local government institutions, in social organizations,
- as press, television and radio journalists,
- in political organizations (studying and completing political science gives an excellent start in a future political career),
- in science (universities, institutes),
- as specialists in political science in the countries of the European Union and in the USA, where there is a wide range of opportunities for further education.
Political science is a single-branch major assigned to the area of social sciences and to the area of humanities.
The study plan includes subjects included in the form of obligatory modules of specific subject matter, which are:
- Political history, political geography, political thought
- State, law and politics
- Contemporary political and party systems
- International relations
- International politics, Polish diplomacy
- Economic policy
- Local government and social policy
- Propaedeutic subjects
Students will also be able to choose (after the 2nd semester) one of three specializations:
- Europea
- Social and political
- Integration and security policy
Data dodania: 20 grudnia 2024